One of the things that people don’t understand it the importance of Backups. The reason for this is in my opinion that backups seem like such hard work. Well, this is not the case anymore, backups have become a lot easier since the days where you had to make duplicate copies of all files onto External HDD.
Today we have multiple pieces of software that manage this for a Person and a lot of them have a Free Version. One of the more well know applications being Microsofts OneDrive.
One Drive is mainly associated with the offline version of Microsoft office. You can also get a free version by going to and signing up.
Once you signed up for OneDrive you can download and install it like you would any other program. The download link as per the time when writing this is on the bottom left of the screen when you are signed in to OneDrive.
Once installed you can open OneDrive and you will be presented with a screen to enter your email address.

Once done enter your password. Again, like always I suggest using a Password Manager to make sure you have a very secure password.

The following screen will allow you to choose where you want to save the files. This is especially useful if you have multiple drives designated for specific purposes. Alternatively, leave it as it and click next.

Next, you will have the option to choose which files that are ALREADY ON THE CLOUD side of OneDrive must be downloaded to your local machine.

Finally, the next screen you can then choose which folders on your machine must be auto backed up to the Cloud. Unfortunately this only allows you to choose Desktop, Documents and Pictures.

From here you can click Continue, and next until OneDrive is Closed. If at any point you get the option to upgrade you can decline to use the free version of upgrade.

We Are Done!!!
We are done all setup. Now as your work in those folders and you have an internet connection your backups will automatically take place.
Remember DropBox is one of may options and you have to make the decision on what is best for your way of working. Please have a look at the other apps I have done as well for the purposes of Free backups: