The purpose of this document is to establish a standardized naming convention for computing assets, to allow those assets to be quickly and positively identified so, they may be serviced and/or secured in a timely manner.
This standard is mandatory for all new system purchases and will be applied when each system is received and configured by technical personnel. This standard is recommended and encouraged for all other existing systems. Full compliance with this standard will be accomplished through the attrition of existing computers.
All personnel responsible for managing DEPARTMENTAL computing assets, specifically, desktop computers and mobile computing devices, and all personnel responsible for maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of those assets on the Company’s network.
For your organization, determine:
- Which abbreviations will be used and how to use them correctly,
- How to name repeating Assets
- Remember that metadata you choose to include
- Correlation with any related paper records will aid in the usefulness and access of these records.
Unique Names
Names should be distinctive. The examples below do not represent all available options. The standards chosen by your organization will depend on your business purpose and the types of Assets.
Use only Alpha-Numeric Characters
Avoid using special characters such as: &! % / \& ? # , – : < > in Asset Names.
While the software may allow them, these characters may make it difficult to integrate between Systems.
Be Aware of Spaces
Spaces are often reserved for operating system functions and might be misread when integrating between application programs or into proprietary systems.
Where possible, you can remove spaces altogether and capitalize each word.
Keep it Short
- Names should be short, descriptive, and easy to understand by people not familiar with the Asset.
- Names should make sense over time, not just to people currently working with the Asset.
- The length of the file name is important.
- Overly long names can cause issues with Legacy technology with a limited number of characters available to use in naming (Ex. Wins).
Document the use of Abbreviations
Abbreviations are a great way to shorten names and still provide some context for the Asset.
It is critical however that you document the appropriate use and meaning of abbreviations in your naming conventions, so they are applied consistently across the agency and understood across time.
Sequential Numbering, make sure to use Leading Zeros
Sequential numbering allows for multiple objects to sort correctly which will help you find things quickly. This becomes particularly critical for items containing large numbers of records such as Active Directory.
New Systems:
When a purchased system arrives, it will be delivered to End User Support (EUS) to be configured with the appropriate disk image (operating system, image, etc.), encrypted, and joined to the Company’s active directory domain. As part of being on the domain, EUS will assign a name to the device and create the active directory account related to the device.
Once delivered to the department, the system and domain account may be renamed, but they must meet the standard described in the Mandatory requirements below. Any costs associated with renaming the system are the responsibility of the department.
Existing Systems:
Renaming systems already in use at the Company are encouraged to support service and security for those systems. Those new names must meet the Mandatory requirements described below for both the device and the active directory account.
The Company’s management client should also be installed at this time if it has not been already.
Contact the Service Desk for more information on the management client and for assistance with name changes. Like renaming new systems, any costs associated with renaming existing systems are the responsibility of the department.
Server\Appliance Naming
Any Device that will Services Multiple Department and\Or Divisions. Devices will only be Maintained by IT Personnel and are Department\Division independent.
- Physical\Virtual Server\Switch\Router\Firewall
- Wireless Access Point
- Printers and Accessories
- Security Devices (Biometrics, Cameras, DVR, Etc.)
The Structure of a Server\Appliance Name will be as follows:
- Physical Location
- CC = Country Code
- BBB = Three-Digit Abbreviation of Closest International Airport
- NN = Numerical number of an associated Branch
(Document with Regional Branch Location must be Maintained for Each Country)
- Server Purpose
- EEE = Environment being Serviced
- FF = The Function of the Server
- NNN = Numerical Value to distinguish between similar Functional Servers
- Server Hardware
- H = Device Hardware Type
- T = Device Type
Server in South-Africa Datacenter (01) used for all production environment Active Directory Authentication run on a Virtual Server
CC | BBB | NN | EEE | FF | NNN | H | T |
ZA | ORT | 01 | PRD | AD | 001 | V | S |
A Switch in the Pretoria (02) Branch in Production the third switch installed, and it is a physical appliance
CC | BBB | NN | EEE | FF | NNN | H | T |
ZA | ORT | 02 | PRD | SW | 003 | P | A |
A router installed in Johannesburg (03) Branch used in the Development environment installed as a Virtual Appliance
CC | BBB | NN | EEE | FF | NNN | H | T |
ZA | ORT | 03 | DEV | RT | 001 | V | A |
End User Device Naming
A device that has been assigned to a Specific user\Department for Use in their Day to Day work.
- Workstation (Computer, Laptop)
- Phone (Desk Phone, Mobile)
- PDA\Tablet
- Projector
The Structure of an End User Device is as Follows:
- Physical Location
- CC = Country Code
- BBB = Three-Digit Abbreviation of Closest International Airport
- NN = Numerical number of an associated Branch
(Document with Regional Branch Location must be Maintained for Each Country)
- Device Use
- DD = Department\Division
- NNN = Numerical Value to distinguish between similar Devices
- Device Type
- UU = End-User Device Type
A Laptop used in South-Africa, in the Pretoria Branch by Finance
CC | BBB | NN | DD | NNN | UU |
ZA | ORT | 02 | FN | 001 | LP |
A Projector in South-Africa, in the Durban Warehouse
CC | BBB | NN | DD | NNN | UU |
ZA | KSI | 02 | WH | 001 | PJ |
Abbreviation References
Codes Used in Naming Convention Breakdown
Short Code Description | Short Code |
Country Code | CC |
Device Function\Service\Purpose\Role | FF |
Department\Division | DD |
Environment | EE |
Device Hardware Type | H |
Device Type | T |
End User Device Type | UU |
Country Codes
Short Code: CC
Name | GENC 2A Code | GENC 3A Code |
Afghanistan | AF | AFG |
Albania | AL | ALB |
Algeria | DZ | DZA |
Andorra | AD | AND |
Angola | AO | AGO |
Antigua and Barbuda | AG | ATG |
Argentina | AR | ARG |
Armenia | AM | ARM |
Australia | AU | AUS |
Austria | AT | AUT |
Azerbaijan | AZ | AZE |
Bahamas | BS | BHS |
Bahrain | BH | BHR |
Bangladesh | BD | BGD |
Barbados | BB | BRB |
Belarus | BY | BLR |
Belgium | BE | BEL |
Belize | BZ | BLZ |
Benin | BJ | BEN |
Bhutan | BT | BTN |
Bolivia | BO | BOL |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BA | BIH |
Botswana | BW | BWA |
Brazil | BR | BRA |
Brunei | BN | BRN |
Bulgaria | BG | BGR |
Burkina | BF | BFA |
Burma | MM | MMR |
Burundi | BI | BDI |
Cabo | CV | CPV |
Cambodia | KH | KHM |
Cameroon | CM | CMR |
Canada | CA | CAN |
Central African Republic | CF | CAF |
Chad | TD | TCD |
Chile | CL | CHL |
China | CN | CHN |
Colombia | CO | COL |
Comoros | KM | COM |
Congo | CG | COG |
Costa Rica | CR | CRI |
Côte d’Ivoire | CI | CIV |
Croatia | HR | HRV |
Cuba | CU | CUB |
Cyprus | CY | CYP |
Czechia | CZ | CZE |
Denmark | DK | DNK |
Djibouti | DJ | DJI |
Dominica | DM | DMA |
Dominican Republic | DO | DOM |
Ecuador | EC | ECU |
Egypt | EG | EGY |
El Salvador | SV | SLV |
Equatorial Guinea | GQ | GNQ |
Eritrea | ER | ERI |
Estonia | EE | EST |
Eswatini | SZ | SWZ |
Ethiopia | ET | ETH |
Fiji | FJ | FJI |
Finland | FI | FIN |
France | FR | FRA |
Gabon | GA | GAB |
Gambia | GM | GMB |
Georgia | GE | GEO |
Germany | DE | DEU |
Ghana | GH | GHA |
Greece | GR | GRC |
Grenada | GD | GRD |
Guatemala | GT | GTM |
Guinea | GN | GIN |
Guinea-Bissau | GW | GNB |
Guyana | GY | GUY |
Haiti | HT | HTI |
Holy See | VA | VAT |
Honduras | HN | HND |
Hungary | HU | HUN |
Iceland | IS | ISL |
India | IN | IND |
Indonesia | ID | IDN |
Iran | IR | IRN |
Iraq | IQ | IRQ |
Ireland | IE | IRL |
Israel | IL | ISR |
Italy | IT | ITA |
Jamaica | JM | JAM |
Japan | JP | JPN |
Jordan | JO | JOR |
Kazakhstan | KZ | KAZ |
Kenya | KE | KEN |
Kiribati | KI | KIR |
North Korea | KP | PRK |
South Korea | KR | KOR |
Kosovo | XK | XKS |
Kuwait | KW | KWT |
Kyrgyzstan | KG | KGZ |
Laos | LA | LAO |
Latvia | LV | LVA |
Lebanon | LB | LBN |
Lesotho | LS | LSO |
Liberia | LR | LBR |
Libya | LY | LBY |
Liechtenstein | LI | LIE |
Lithuania | LT | LTU |
Luxembourg | LU | LUX |
Madagascar | MG | MDG |
Malawi | MW | MWI |
Malaysia | MY | MYS |
Maldives | MV | MDV |
Mali | ML | MLI |
Malta | MT | MLT |
Marshall Islands | MH | MHL |
Mauritania | MR | MRT |
Mauritius | MU | MUS |
Mexico | MX | MEX |
Federated States of Micronesia | FM | FSM |
Moldova | MD | MDA |
Monaco | MC | MCO |
Mongolia | MN | MNG |
Montenegro | ME | MNE |
Morocco | MA | MAR |
Mozambique | MZ | MOZ |
Namibia | NA | NAM |
Nauru | NR | NRU |
Nepal | NP | NPL |
Netherlands | NL | NLD |
New Zealand | NZ | NZL |
Nicaragua | NI | NIC |
Niger | NE | NER |
Nigeria | NG | NGA |
North Macedonia | MK | MKD |
Norway | NO | NOR |
Oman | OM | OMN |
Pakistan | PK | PAK |
Palau | PW | PLW |
Panama | PA | PAN |
Papua New Guinea | PG | PNG |
Paraguay | PY | PRY |
Peru | PE | PER |
Philippines | PH | PHL |
Poland | PL | POL |
Portugal | PT | PRT |
Qatar | QA | QAT |
Romania | RO | ROU |
Russia | RU | RUS |
Rwanda | RW | RWA |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | KN | KNA |
Saint Lucia | LC | LCA |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | VC | VCT |
Samoa | WS | WSM |
San Marino | SM | SMR |
Sao Tome and Principe | ST | STP |
Saudi Arabia | SA | SAU |
Senegal | SN | SEN |
Serbia | RS | SRB |
Seychelles | SC | SYC |
Sierra Leone | SL | SLE |
Singapore | SG | SGP |
Slovakia | SK | SVK |
Slovenia | SI | SVN |
Solomon Islands | SB | SLB |
Somalia | SO | SOM |
South Africa | ZA | ZAF |
South Sudan | SS | SSD |
Spain | ES | ESP |
Sri Lanka | LK | LKA |
Sudan | SD | SDN |
Suriname | SR | SUR |
Sweden | SE | SWE |
Switzerland | CH | CHE |
Syria | SY | SYR |
Tajikistan | TJ | TJK |
Tanzania | TZ | TZA |
Thailand | TH | THA |
Timor-Leste | TL | TLS |
Togo | TG | TGO |
Tonga | TO | TON |
Trinidad and Tobago | TT | TTO |
Tunisia | TN | TUN |
Turkey | TR | TUR |
Turkmenistan | TM | TKM |
Tuvalu | TV | TUV |
Uganda | UG | UGA |
Ukraine | UA | UKR |
United Arab Emirates | AE | ARE |
United Kingdom | GB | GBR |
United States | US | USA |
Uruguay | UY | URY |
Uzbekistan | UZ | UZB |
Vanuatu | VU | VUT |
Venezuela | VE | VEN |
Vietnam | VN | VNM |
Yemen | YE | YEM |
Zambia | ZM | ZMB |
Zimbabwe | ZW | ZWE |
Device Function\Service\Purpose\Role
Short Code: FF
Short Name | Description |
DB | Database |
DC | Domain controller |
AP | Application (Middleware, Database) |
FS | File Server |
PS | Print Server |
SQL | SQL Database |
EXH | Exchange |
CTX | Citrix Server |
ESX | VMware ESX Server |
WS | Web Server (Proxy, Mail, FTP) |
MG | Management Server |
TS | Terminal |
FW | Firewall |
RT | Router |
PR | Printer |
PD | Power Distribution |
UP | UPS |
Short Code: EE
Short Name | Description |
Dev | Development |
TST | Testing |
STG | Staging |
PRD | Production |
Device Hardware Type
Short Code: H
Short Name | Description |
V | Virtual |
P | Physical |
C | Cluster |
O | Outsourced or vendor supported system |
Device Type
Short Code: T
Short Name | Description |
S | Server |
A | Appliance |
Short Code: DD
Short Name | Description |
IT | Information Technology |
FN | Finance |
AD | Administration |
CR | Creditors |
DT | Debtors |
MK | Marketing |
PR | Procurement |
PD | Productions |
SL | Sales |
MG | Management |
SY | Systems |
WH | Warehouse |
LG | Logistics |
End User Device Type
Short Code: UU
Short Name | Description |
LP | Laptop |
PC | Computer |
3D | 3D Printer |
MP | Mobile Phone |
PJ | Projector |
DP | Desk Phone |
SC | Scanner |
To be done as required