When opening MS Word it opens in the Back Stage View, This view has three primary menus at the top Right.
- Home – Uses a combination of the most useful commands from the other Menus
- New – Different options to create a New Document
- Open – Selection of available locations from where documents can be opened.
Blank Document
A Blank document is an empty sheet that you can start from Scratch.
On the Backstage view, you can use the Blank Document option on the Home Menu.

The New Menu has the same option available, Select New and Blank Document

If you require to Create a New Blank Document while working on another document you can use the Quick Access Menu at the top of the screen

Keyboard combination: CTRL + N
Document from Template
Templates are the pre-created document that already has some formatting. There are a number of templates available to help create different types of documents.
Open the Backstage View Click Home and Select More Templates ->
This will automatically move the Screen to the New Menu and show available Templates.

There are many Templates Available and all templates will be downloaded initially from the internet as they are required.
Personal Templates can be created as required.
The Option to browse between different categories is available or the search function if you are looking for additional Templates

Once a Template has been selected it will give you a Preview of how the file will look. If it has not been downloaded yet it will show how big the file is. Once you click Create it will download and open for use.

The Template will be Prefilled and Formatted. All this can be changed as per your Requirements
Index Page: MS Word Essentials
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