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For Beginners
Creating and Managing a Document
Formatting a Document
Customizing Options and Views
- Change Document View
- Zoom
- Add a Tool to the Quick Access Toolbar
- Split View Window
- Add Document Properties
- Show or Hide Formatting Symbols
Printing and Saving Documents
- Print
- Save in another File Format
- Inspect a Document for hidden properties and Personal Information
- Inspect a Document for accessibility issues
- Inspect a Document for Compatibility Issues
Inserting and Selecting Text and Paragraphs
- Select Text with the mouse or keyboard
- Insert Special Characters
Editing Text
- Cut and Paste the Text
- Copy and paste using Shortcuts
- Change Text Automatically using autocorrect
- Replace Text
Formatting Text
- Apply font face and size
- Use the Font context List
- Use the Format, Painter
- Highlight Text
Formatting Paragraphs
- Change Line Spacing
- Change Paragraph Spacing
- Use Indents and Tabs
- Clear Formatting
Using Styles and WordArt
- Apply Build-in Styles
- Change Text and WordArt
Breaking up Text
- Insert a Page Break
- Insert a Section Break
- Change Page Setup Options for a Section
- Create Multiple Column Layout
- Insert a Column Break
Using Bullet Lists
- Create a Bullet List
- Define a Custom Bullet Character
Using Numbered List
- Create a Numbered List
- Control Listing Numbering
- Change List Levels
- Define a Custom Number Format
Create a Table
- Insert a Table
- Convert Text to Table
- Convert Table to Text
- Apply Table Styles
Modify a Table style
- Resize a Table
- Resize a Table’s Rows and Columns
- Repeat Row Headers
- Sort Table Data
- Merge Cells
- Split Cells
- Split a Table
- Set Cell Margins and Spacing
Insert Graphic Elements
- Insert Shapes
- Insert Pictures
- Insert a Full-Size Screenshot
- Insert a Screen Clipping
- Insert a Text Box
Formatting Graphic Elements
- Select a Graphical Element
- Format a Shape
- Set the Text Wrapping
- Set Positioning
- Add Alternative Text
Enhancing Pictures
- Apply a Picture Style
- Apply Picture Effects
- Apply Artistic Effects
- Remove the background from a Picture
Using SmartArt
- Insert SmartArt
- Add Text to SmartArt
- Customize SmartArt
- Add Shape to SmartArt
Create Bookmarks and Links
- Inset a Bookmark
- Insert a Hyperlink
Creating Common Front Matter
- Insert a Standard Table of Contents
- Update a Table of Contents
- Insert a Cover Page
Using Captions, Footnotes, and Endnotes
- Add a Figure or Table Caption
- Modify Caption Properties
- Add a FootnoteAdd an Endnote
- Modify Footnote and Endnote Properties
Creating and Managing Reference Markers
- Create Bibliography Citation Sources
- Modify Bibliography Citation Sources
- Inset Citations for Bibliographies