To Provide guidelines for the use of personal cell phones, MP3 Players and all/any similar devices brought to and used by employees in the workplace.
Regardless of the type of phone/device used, personal calls and text messaging during working hours can interfere with employee productivity and is distracting.
- The use of Personal cell phones, MP3 Players and/or any other similar devices by employees is strictly not permitted during working hours.
- All Devices need to be switched off or placed on silent while on duty. Employees may only use cell phones during lunch or tea breaks.
- Employees are not allowed to take any cell phones, MP3 player any/or any other similar devices into meetings.
- Employees are not permitted to play games, browse the internet and/or conduct any form of communication on Social media during working hours.
- It is the responsibility of each employee to ensure that their friends and family member are aware of the policy.
- Employees may request authorization from their manager to use cell phones during working hours for making calls to baby sitters, daycare providers, teachers, and family members to inform them of schedule changes and/or other essential business. The manager will grant reasonable requests to nature.
- Employees are not permitted to listen to music during working hours
- The Company will not be liable for the loss of personal cell phones or other devices brought to the workplace.
- Cell Phone: A Wireless telephone that uses radio-frequencies to send and receive communications with other telephones, bothe wireless and landbased.
- MP3 Player: Device with large memory to upload songs to listen to.
- All Employees are required to follow this Policy.
- Managers are responsible to notify HR to take progressive disciplinary action for employees who fail to comply with this policy.
- Employees with a need to use their personal cell phone during working hours other than during lunch or break time must seek authorization from their manager
- Employees who violate this policy will be subject to the device being confiscated for the day, as well as to disciplinary action
Recording and Downloading Forbidden
- Under no circumstances may a cell phone or similar device be used to make recordings of business, personal or confidential discussions without prior authorization from all parties involved.
- Under no circumstances may a cell phone be used to download any work-related documentation/information/files/e-mails and/or any other content onto the cell phone’s Memory.