What happens when Autoresponder goes Loopy?

So, What happens when Autoresponders goes Loopy?

I can tell you complete and utter havoc, the scenario is pretty simple. You need one Mail Server, One Service Desk and one Ex-Employee. Basically what happens is the Service Desk is setup to send and acknowledgment of a Service request sent by mail. Now, what happens when you send a mail to the service desk and copy in an employee that does not work there anymore.

Loopy email

Lets Quickly run through it:

  1. Mail sent from the Client requesting service
  2. The mail server forwards the request onto the Service Desk
  3. The Service Desk responds with a Service Request number
  4. The Exchange cannot find the employee and respond back to the service desk
  5. The Service Desk responds with a Service Request number
  6. The Exchange cannot find the employee and respond back to the service desk
  7. The Service Desk responds with a Service Request number
  8. ETC


Don’t worry I won’t leave you without a solution. The way that resolved this quickly for me was to create an alias with the email that it is looking for it basically delivered the mail to a mailbox which stopped the response.


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