When trying to connect an end-user workstation to a Shared Printer on a Windows Server you get the error “Operation Could Not Be Completed Error 0x00000bc4 No Printers Were Found“. This issue can be because by many different reasons.

To Resolve the issue you can attempt the following:
Restart the Printer Spooler on the Workstation and the Server
Open Command Prompt in Admin Mode on both the Workstations. Use the below commands on both:
net stop spooler
net start spooler
Change the connection to the Server from UNC to IP
When connecting to the printer, if you are using the structure “\\ServerName\PrinterName” change the Structure to “\\IP\PrinterName”
\\MyServer\MYPrinterName \\\PrinterName
Delete Registry Key on Server
****Warning: This will delete all Printers on the Server****
On the Server where the printer is installed on. Stop the Print Spooler:
net stop spooler
Open the Registry in Admin Mode, and Delete the Key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Print\
Reboot the Server